County Leagues 2018-19

Results for C&NTSA County Teams in season 2018-19
Congratulations to the Women’s team and the County 20 team on winning their divisions.

Rnd County 20 Div 7
(Comp 610)
Ladies Prone Div 6
(Comp 612)
Sport Rifle Div 2
(Comp 651)
Air Pistol Div 2
(Comp 680)
1 Results Results Results Update Results
Ind scores
2 Results Results Results Update Results
Ind scores
3 Results Results Results Update Results
Ind scores
4 Results Results Results Update Results
Ind scores
5 Results Results Results Update Results
Ind scores
6 Results Results Results Update Results
Ind scores
7 Results Results Results Update2 Results
Ind scores*
8 Results Results Results Update2 Results
Ind scores
9 Results Results Results Results
Ind scores
10 Results Update Results Results Results
Ind scores

* For some reason this file refused to upload to the server.

When results become available a ‘Results’ link will become active in the cell for its competition and round and you can click on it to see those results. You will be shown, in a new tab, the NSRA’s original PDF result file containing the scores for all the teams in all divisions for the competition. The ‘Ind  scores’ links in the Air Pistol competition give all the 5-shot card scores of every shooter in the competition.

If ‘Update’ appears then it means there has been a change to the original file (usually because of the receipt of a delayed card or a successful challenge from one of the teams) and at least one division’s results have been re-issued by the NSRA. That Update file will show only the division affected by the change and will only be given here if it contains a C&NTSA team. There may well be more than one Update for any competition/round.