There is what’s known in the website trade as a ‘banner picture’ shown at the top of each page on this site. Currently, one of the very small number photos available is shown at random on each page selected. This gets a bit repetitive, and to provide more variety we would like to have more pictures so that the one shown at random would be taken from a larger pool to make things a little more interesting. The aim is to have at least one photo showing each of the many different disciplines we cover in our competitions
This is an appeal to any photographers in your club who would be willing to take and send in photo(s) of one or more shooters in the process of shooting any of the disciplines that are shot on your range(s). The actual targets being shot at need not be in the frame. The view should have a side-to-side aspect, not up-and-down or mainly in the centre, so the main subject would have to occupy a good part of the width of the photo as it will be depicted relatively narrow and wide, letterbox-style. If you use a phone to take photos, make sure it’s held sideways! For those interested, the size has to be exactly 1000 pixels wide by 288 pixels tall to fit the requirements of the website’s underlying framework but you need not worry about that as I shall trim and resize any photo to those requirements.
You can send your photos to cntsacomps2Xgmmaildotcom (replace the ‘X’ with the usual ‘at’ sign and the ‘dot’ with a dot).
Please give your club’s name and specify the discipline shown as I shall add a caption giving those details, but say so if you wish your club to be anonymous and its name can be omitted. Also, if any individual(s) in your photo might be readily identifiable then you must obtain their permission for their picture to be on the site before sending it in. Please confirm that such permission has been given in your covering email.